The Northern Ohio PGA Assistant of the Year Award is the highest honor our Section can bestow on a working Assistant club professional whose total contributions to the game best exemplify the complete PGA Professional. This award embraces a wide range of services executed by the Assistant club professional such as outstanding leadership abilities, strong moral character, and outstanding service to the Association and the game of golf.

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2024 Assistant of the Year: Ian Haidle

2024Ian Haidle
2023Jimmy Hanson
2022Steve Niland
2021Mark Scott, Jr.
2020Adam Stinogle
2019Adam Lewicki
2018Cory Kumpf
2017Asa Donaldson
2016Tim Perin
2015Casey Schrader
2014Garrett Korte
2013Dan Banks/Karen Paolozzi
2012David Morgan
2011Bill McKinley
2010Joe Leenheer
2009Mark Sierak
2008Jon Jones
2007Dwayne Randall
2006Dean Diberardino
2005Michael Pickett
2004Brian Sparks
2003David Pfeiffer
2002Ron DeJacimo
2001Craig Bretzlaff
1997Joe Borawski