NOPGA Junior Tours Registration Continues!
Registration continues for NOPGA Junior Tours Membership and Tournaments. On the top of the junior web page you will see the 2018 Registration Box. Insert your password and ID from 2017 or if you are a new member, click on the statement that says “If New Member Sign Up Now”!
The Blue Golf Registration System will walk your through membership registration and tournament sign up.
Things to Note for 2018..
Credit Card Registration Procedure
Recently, the Payment Card Industry implemented new standards for secure credit card processing and fraud prevention that require tighter controls around the handling, storage, transmission, and processing of credit card data by any organization
Credit card registration on BlueGolf for the Northern Ohio PGA must be done by the individual who owns the credit card. The Northern Ohio PGA will no longer be permitted to do online registration for a player using their credit card if they do not leave their credit card on file. Once your credit card is registered in the system, we will be able to assist you with future transactions by clicking on “Use Credit Card on File” button.
What this means– if you need a staff member to add your junior to a tournament after the deadline date they can do so only if the card is left on file. There will be a $5.00 charge for any requests for staff members to enter a junior in a tournament after the deadline. If you do not leave your credit card on file, you may pay on site by check only. Please e-mail eantenucci@pgahq.com with any questions.
This change is mandated by the PGA of America.
Mandatory Medical Release Form
All junior players must download the mandatory medical form and turn it in at the first tournament that they play.
All junior players must turn in their medical form at the registration table of the first tournament that they play. When the player turns in the form, they will receive their membership material, a hat of their choice and membership gift.
Please do not e-mail or send the medical form to the Northern Ohio PGA – it must be turned in on site.