Section Players of the Year

2023Jim Troy
2022Jim Troy
2021Jim Troy
2020Jim Troy
2019Randy Dietz
2018Jim Troy
2017Ben Cook
2016Jaysen Hansen
2015Casey Schrader
2014Jamie Broce
2013Rob Moss
2012Dennis Miller
2011Rob Moss
2010Rob Moss
2009Jaysen Hansen
2008Todd Lancaster
2007Todd Lancaster
2006Rob Moss
2005Rob Moss
2004Gary Robison
2003Tony Adcock
2002Gary Robison
2001Tom Atchison
2000Gary Trivisonno
1999Gary Trivisonno
1998Gary Trivisonno
1997Gary Robison
1996Gary Trivisonno
1995Gary Robison
1994Gary Trivisonno
1993Mitch Camp
1992Gary Trivisonno
1991Gary Trivisonno
1990Gary Robison
1989Gary Robison
1988Gary Robison
1987Gary Robison
1986Tony Milam
1985Craig Immel
1984Jim Logue
1983Craig Immel
1982Jim Logue
1981Bryan Abbott
1979George Bellino
1977Bryan Abbott
1976Bryan Abbott
1974Duff Lawrence

Jim Troy Section Championship Post

2023 Player of the Year: Jim Troy

Senior Section Players of the Year

YearPlayer of the Year
2023Rob Moss
2022Gary Rusnak
2021Gary Rusnak
2020Gary Robison
2019Gary Robison
2018Gary Robison
2017Gary Robison
2016Gary Robison
2015Mitch Camp
2014Gary Trivisonno
2013Gary Robison
2012Gary Robison
2011Tom Atchison
2010Gary Robison
2009Gary Robison
2008Gary Robison
2007Tom Fussaro
2006Gary Robison
2005Tom Herzan
2004Tom Herzan
2003Tom Herzan
2002Tom Fussaro
2001Joe Flogge
rob moss 2

2023 Player of the Year: Rob Moss

Associate Players of the Year

YearPlayer of the Year
2023Michael Balcar
2022Michael Balcar
2021Michael Balcar
2020Tyler McHugh
2019Tyler McHugh
2018Nathan Tarter
2017Nick Latimer-Zabor
2016Mike Stone
2015Randy Dietz
2014Mike Stone
2013Jim Troy
2012Jake Scott
2011Mike Emery
2010Mark Evans
Michael Balcar Assistants Championship Story

2023 Associate Player of the Year: Michael Balcar