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Applications For PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship Program now available on PGALinks. Apply Today!
Graduating high school seniors and college students who are the children or grandchildren of PGA members are invited to apply online at the home page (before you log in) of PGALinks.com to be considered for financial support for college through the PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship Program.
The scholarship program is an academic based scholarship program that takes into account the following depending on the class level of the student:
High School Graduating Senior
– High School Cumulative Grade Point Average – must be at least 3.4 (60% of the scholarship weighting scale). This number is to be
an unweighted GPA based on a 4.0 scale.
– ACT and/or SAT test scores (30% of the scholarship weighting scale)
– Extracurricular activities in high school such as sports, clubs, student government, community service, part time employment, etc. (10% of the scholarship weighting scale).
– College Cumulative Grade Point Average – must be at least 3.4 (60% of the scholarship weighting scale)
– Most recently completed college semester or quarter GPA (30% of the scholarship weighting scale)
– Extracurricular activities in college such as sports, clubs, student government, community service, part time employment, etc. (10% of the scholarship weighting scale)
Current College Student (has not reached their senior year in college)
2 New Changes for 2014!!! 20% of funding will take in to account financial need, please see details in Financial Need Section of application AND beginning with 2014 graduating high school seniors (incoming Freshman in Fall of 2014) the total number of scholarships a student can receive will be limited to 2 total scholarships over the 4 years of undergraduate college attendance.
The amount and number of scholarships is determined by the availability of funds, and may vary from year to year based on these factors and IRS guidelines. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the PGA Scholarship Committee. The scholarship is for accredited Universities or Colleges in the United States only.
The application process is live online (www.PGALinks.com) between November 15, 2013 and March 17, 2014 and students are asked to wait until they are in possession of their most current grade report (first semester) or transcript before applying. The applicant must enter the students Social Security number and the PGA affiliated parent or grandparents PGA ID number to gain access to the application.
After submitting the online application, the applicant must have postmarked by March 17,2014 to the below address a sealed official school grade transcript that shows their GPA information and ACT/SAT test scores (if a high school applicant) to:
PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship Program
Attention: Linda Bennington 888.532.6661; 561.624.7612 or e-mail: lbenning@pgahq.com
Grant and Scholarship Specialist
100 Avenue of the Champions
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
PGA members can check out the Scholarship Search Tips for additional listed websites to help you with your scholarship search by visiting the homepage of PGALinks.com/Personal Benefits/PGA Scholarship Program.