Apprentice Round Table & Stableford Series #2
An Apprentice Roundtable & Stableford Series #2 event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at Firestone Country Club. Click Here To Sign Up Today! Special Thanks to Mark Blanc for sponsoring 2016 Series!
The Apprentice Stableford Series was created to provide Apprentices of the Northern Ohio PGA a cost-friendly opportunity to gain tournament experience, as well as, a venue to network with other Apprentices.
Each Series will have a Complimentary entry fee which will include golf with a cart, as well as, a food and beverage offering. Apprentices will play for points instead of dollars and a separate points race similar to the PGA Tour’s FedEx Cup will be used to determine the Apprentice Stableford Series Champion.
The Top 10 Apprentices on the Apprentice Stableford Series Points Race will also receive the following pay out:
1st Place: $250
2nd Place: $225
3rd Place: $200
4th Place: $175
5th Place: $150
6th Place: $125
7th Place: $100
8th Place: $75
9th Place: $50
10th Place: $25
(Total Payout: $1375)