Mike Pickett, PGA Featured on PGA.Com
Mike Pickett, PGA and his pumpkin carving skills are featured in an article on PGA.com this week.
Courtesy of PGA.Com & Mark Aumann
“Mike Pickett’s first passion has always been golf. As Director of Golf and Member Relations at StoneWater Golf Club in Highland Heights, Ohio, Pickett has had the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming a PGA Professional.
And that’s given him the opportunity to explore another passion: art. Specifically, the art of pumpkin carving. And he has taken what historically has been a rudimentary skill — cut out a few holes for eyes, a nose and a mouth — to unimaginable levels.” – Click the following link to access the full article – http://www.pga.com/news/pga/mike-pickett-prodigious-pumpkin-carver