NOPGA Apprentice Roundtable – April 23rd

GET YOUR APPRENTICES INVOLVED: – 2013 Apprentice Roundtable
4th Annual NOPGA Apprentice Roundtable
Barrington Golf Club
April 23, 2013
Cost: $30 per person (includes Breakfast and Lunch)

Click Here For More Information and To Register


The Apprentice Roundtable Meeting’s goal is to provide a forum where Apprentices can have access to PGA Professionals in our section who have excelled in various areas throughout their career. By giving Apprentices this opportunity they will not only be able to receive assistance and best practices regarding the PGA PGM program, but they will also be able to network with PGA Professionals who have set themselves apart as industry leaders. The format of the meeting will give apprentices a platform to build relationships with possible future employers, as well as serve as an informal interview for those professionals who may be in need of an assistant in the future.

Most importantly, the meeting will show Apprentices why becoming a PGA Professional is something worth working for. It will show them that being a PGA Professional is not just about a title or a badge, but is about the fraternal bond amongst its members. That although the PGA of America is the largest sports organization in the world, it is also the most tightly knit.


8:30 AM Registration
8:45 AM Discussion
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Golf