Patriot Golf Day
This year Patriot Golf Day® will be held during Labor Day weekend, Aug. 30 – Sept. 2. Through support of PGA Professionals like yourself, golfers nationwide have helped to contribute more than $17 million over the past six years allowing The Folds of Honor Foundation to award more than 3,800 educational scholarships to spouses and children of fallen or wounded soldiers.
Click here to host Patriot Golf Day events this year and to ensure you are recognized on the PatriotGolfDay.com website. If your facility was registered for Patriot Golf Day in 2012, you do not need to re-register.
All PGA Professionals who host Patriot Golf Day and submit donations to the Folds of Honor Foundation will earn 2 MSR credits. Remember you have the flexibility to host events as your facility schedule allows.
If you have any questions regarding Patriot Golf Day, please contact Le Ann Finger at (561) 624-7628 or via email at lfinger@pgahq.com.
Thank you once again for your continued commitment and good luck with your scheduled events.