2012 NOPGA Fall Meeting & Awards Ceremony
Monday, October 29, 2012 – Westfield Group CC/Cary Blair Center – Westfield Center, OH
The Northern Ohio PGA Fall Meeting was conducted on Monday, October 29, 2012 at Westfield Group CC/Cary Blair Center. Highlights of the meeting include NOPGA Hall of Fame Induction of Joe Kristosik, PGA and Jay Spitale, PGA; Junior Golf Player of the Year awards presentation; recognition of new members; recognition of Joe Nageotte Scholarship winners; Section Awards presentation; Assistant of the Year award presentation to David Morgan, Eagle Creek Golf club; election of Chad Seymour, PGA as District 5 Director, election of two new Board Members, Robb Schulze, PGA and Mark Sierak, PGA.
2012 Northern Ohio PGA Awards Ceremony
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