Fall Meeting & Awards Ceremony

Westfield Group CC/Cary Blair Center
Westfield Center, OH
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Click Here To Register
**All Members and Registered Apprentices must bring their PGA IDs with them to register.
8:00 am – 9:00 am – Registration & Continental Breakfast Sponsored By Ping
9:00 am – 12:00pm – Awards/Education Seminar/Elections
(NOPGA Awards & Hall of Fame Ceremony.The following awards will also be presented: Section Awards, Assistant of the Year Award, Player of the Year Awards, and Tournament Winner Trophies, and Junior Golf Awards)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Luncheon
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Awards/Business Meeting/Education Seminar
(Members & Apprentices welcome to attend. All attendees are required to wear business attire. The following will be voted on during the Business Meeting:Elections for NOPGA Board Members.)
Members may submit proxy votes ONLY if they are not able to attend the Fall Meeting. Members submitting proxy votes will have until Friday, October 24 @ Noon to submit their ballots. Only PGA Members have the opportunity to vote by proxy. All proxy votes must be submitted with Member name, club affiliation, and PGA Membership ID number. The Executive Director will then transport these votes to be included with the ballots submitted by the Membership during the Annual Meeting. No nominations will be permitted to be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting. Successful candidates will be elected by majority vote.
please fax ballots to (216) 765-0639
Click Here To Download Proxy Ballot
Pursuant to Article X Section 2b. of NOPGA Constitution “At each Annual Fall Meeting, two Members shall be elected to the Executive Committee for a term of two years each. President appointees of two Directors will be for a term of two years each.”
The following NOPGA Member would like to be considered for the position of Board of Directors during elections held at the Fall Business Meeting on October 27, 2014 at Westfield Group Country Club (Cary Blair Center).
PGA Professional
Northern Ohio PGA Members & Apprentices,
In life there are moments which change the way you see your future. After graduating from The University of Findlay, I was unsure what path in life I wanted to take. Accepting a job at Findlay Country Club working in the Bag Room was my litmus test for the golf business. Only a few months later I was attending my first NOPGA Fall Section Meeting. It was there that I had my moment. Our Executive Director, Dominic Antenucci, gave his usual passionate speech about who we are as PGA Professionals. I was hooked. Since that day I have been driven to be the best that I can be and to help make those around me better than they think they can be.
With that motivation I am excited to ask for your vote in joining the Northern Ohio PGA, Board of Directors. Your vote will place a hungry, energetic and forward thinking Professional in position to help the NOPGA achieve its goals while setting a clear vision for the future.
Professionally I was employed at Findlay Country Club as an Assistant for four years, two as the First Assistant Professional. During that time I achieved Class A status in less than three years. Continuing with the drive to be the best I could be, I earned Certified Professional status in all six disciplines, a feat accomplished by fewer than 100 PGA Members across the country. Leaving FCC for Huntingdon Valley Country Club in Philadelphia, I was able to gather further experience in a new section. Being able to see the pros & cons of another PGA Section will help me to continue aligning the NOPGA with the best PGA Sections in the country.
In 2013 I was fortunate enough to accept the position as First Assistant Professional at The Country Club, Pepper Pike. Being mentored by one of the best Head Professionals in the country, I have been able to broaden my skill set and continue to hone my management style. The Country Club has provided me with the experiences needed to be a successful Head Professional. I am a past member of the Apprentice Mentorship Board and Toledo Chapter Tournament Committee. Currently I sit on the Player Development and Teaching & Coaching Committees.
Our club member’s experience begins with the bag drop, continues on the course and ends with a good meal amongst friends. The NOPGA Section member’s experience begins with his/her relationships with each other, continues in the work place and ends with the Fall Section Meeting amongst friends. I want to help our section members see their dues payment as one of the most important things they do each year. To do this, I will help our apprentices with their most challenging moments, encouraging them along their own paths. For our Class A Members, I hope to help them not to reinvent the wheel, but to adapt it to the specific needs of their own facilities and careers.
Our great Section deserves to have board members who dedicate their time, energy and experiences to continue making it the innovator of the 41 National PGA Sections. This is the commitment that I vow to make to each and every one of our Members and Apprentices. It is an honor to ask for the opportunity to serve our Section on the Board of Directors. I look forward to this challenge and to helping us all be the best PGA Professionals that we can be.
Respectfully yours,
Garrett C. Korte, PGA
First Assistant Golf Professional
The Country Club, Pepper Pike
W – 216-831-9252
C – 419-957-0708
Twitter – @KortemanPGA
PGA Professional
Dear Northern Ohio P.G.A. Members,
I write you this letter with a great sense of pride and honor to be a member of our fine section, and ask you to consider me to sit on our Board of Directors.
Through my career I have had the opportunity of being a member of 2 different sections and have come to learn how difficult it is to maintain the extremely high standards the Northern Ohio Section holds, not only operationally but financially as well. At times, we as members, may take this for granted. It is with this thought that I ask for your support in my sincere interest in obtaining a seat on the Board of Directors of the Northern Ohio PGA. I feel with my insight and knowledge I will offer you, the members and our Board of Directors, a fresh outlook and help with expanding our sections growth as we move forward.
I currently sit with Mark Sierak on the Teaching and Coaching Committee and have held a committee position on the Apprentice Committee under Ron DeJacimo. I understand the process that needs to be in place to educate and bring our Members to the forefront.
Professionally, I have held the Head Golf Professional position at Pine Lakes Golf Club in Hubbard for 11 years. With this responsibility, I oversee all golf operations and hold direct responsibility for their profitability. Growing up in the area, I hold an extreme connection to our community and am very aware of exactly how a fantastic golf experience can be offered. I do this by providing our patrons with the best possible golf experience with outstanding service accompanied with a great product, while being cognizant of affordability.
In closing, I offer this to you: our Section continues to be held in worthy hands and as we look to the future, I would cherish the opportunity to help in any aspect imaginable. Should you bestow upon me your support with the nomination for this seat, I would proudly accept it with honor and in return, give you the time, energy and direction that you deserve. Being a PGA Member has been such a priority in my life and has afforded me more than I could have dreamt of. I feel this is my time to repay my gratitude to this great Association and my fellow professionals.
Christopher J. Carfangia, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Pine Lakes Golf Club
6233 West Liberty Street
Hubbard, OH 44425
PGA Professional
I was asked by a friend growing up if I wanted to join in for my first round of golf at the age of ten and have been swinging my clubs ever since. Through high school and college, golf has been my passion. Now I am thankful to be in a position, around the sport I love, teaching and sharing the game of golf. This is the reason why I feel the need to serve on the Board of Directors for the Northern Ohio Section PGA. It is my time to give back to a game that has given me so much. Being a younger member of the PGA I am full of energy and know that I can use that energy when it comes to developing new programs and continuing to improve our current programs. I currently serve on the Player Development Committee and Teacher of the Year Awards Committee. For next year I have been asked to create a committee that brings more junior and lady participants to our Section Pro-Am’s and events. My passion for helping others, dedication to grow this great game, and energetic approach will make me a great candidate.
There are four reasons why I continue to be so passionate about the sport:
One good shot a round will keep you coming back for more.
Golf humbles you when you hit a poor shot.
Golf teaches you manners, i.e., congratulating your opponent after a defeat.
Golf builds lifelong friendships.
I think what makes golf so fun is that it is different every time you play. Each time the grass is mowed and the divots are replaced, the game is renewed. But each time you step on the course, there is only one person you can beat, yourself.
My interest in golf became a natural progression into my current career. I started volunteering at a golf course picking up range balls in exchange for access to the course. By the time I was 12 years old I was on the course practicing and playing daily.
During high school I was employed at Stewart Meadows Golf Course, a small nine-hole course, washing golf carts however access to the course was all I really wanted. I was recognized both junior and senior years at South Medford High school as captain of the golf team and led the team to its first Conference Championship in school history.
I attended Pacific University from 2002-2006 where I was the number one man on the team all four years, earning the title of captain both my junior and senior seasons and received Northwest Conference Honors my senior year. I started working as an Assistant Professional at Centennial Golf Club in Medford, Oregon three days after graduating with a B.A. in Business, with the intention of working on my game. I realized that golf professionals do not get to play as much as you might think. Nonetheless, I was getting my foot in the door. Soon after starting at Centennial I took the Head Boys Golf Coach position at South Medford High School.
The door finally opened as I was offered a position as an Assistant Golf Professional at Illahe Hills Country Club in the fall of 2007. Within a year and a half I earned my membership to the Professional Golfers Association (PGA). After becoming a member I knew that instruction and coaching was the direction I wanted to take my career. In 2009 I became the Head Men’s and Women’s Golf Coach at Willamette University where I coached for four seasons and took both teams from last place to top three in the conference.
Beechmont Logo.pngIn 2010 I was nominated by my peers and won the Assistant Golf Professional of the Year, awarded by the Oregon Chapter PGA.
In the fall of 2011 I went to Oak Knoll Golf Course and became the Head Professional. However, I knew I was not heading towards my career path. When the opportunity presented itself I went back to Illahe in the summer of 2012 as the Director of Instruction.
After two months into my role as Director of Instruction I stepped in as the Interim Head Golf Professional. During my time as Head Professional; I was nominated as the 2012 Oregon Chapter PGA Teaching Professional of the year, I became a US Kids Certified Instructor, and became certified as a NG360 (Nike Golf 360) golf specific fitness instructor. In February of 2013 I resumed my duties as Director of Instruction where I created new and improved player development programs.
In May of 2013 I accepted the position as Director of Instruction at Beechmont Country Club where I recently finished my second season. I have introduced many new player development programs, junior academy with different levels, and ladies programs. Since joining the Northern Ohio Section I have been part of the Player Development Committee, Teacher of the Year Awards Committee, along with volunteering within the golf community.
During the winter months I spend my time in Phoenix, Arizona at Outback Golf Academy where I am the Head Coach of our University program. I also give golf schools all over the Valley of the Sun through Noah Horstman Golf Instruction.
In September I worked with and caddied for one of my long time students, Terri Frohnmayer, who made it to the Semi-Finals of the US Senior Women’s Amateur. In 2011 she won the tournament under my instruction.
Saving the best for last, on May 21st, 2010 I married the love of my life, Kimberly. She too loves to be outside and is starting to take up the game of golf. She is a Certified Pilates instructor and has helped with the fitness of the Willamette University Golf Team and taught many of my current students. We are expecting our first child on October 12th and can’t wait to start the next chapter in our lives.
I am excited to be running for a Board of Director position in the Northern Ohio Section PGA. If selected to serve I will represent myself with the highest level of integrity and the standards of a Class A PGA Professional. I am looking forward to getting to know each member and apprentice on a more personal level. If there is anything I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me at 971-285-6600 or by e-mail at nhorstman@beechmontcc.com.
Golfingly yours,
Noah Horstman, PGA
Director of Instruction
Beechmont Country Club
Player Development Specialist
Outback Golf Academy
CL (971) 285-6600
Twitter- @NHorstmanPGA
Facebook-Noah Horstman Golf Instruction