Youth Outreach In Toledo

State Bank and Trust Mornings with Milton—Using Golf to Connect with Toledo’s Youth

Greg Fish—a PGA master professional and COO of Master Golf Management Group, the operators of three Toledo public golf courses—had an idea on how to use golf as a means of youth outreach. In early 2011, he approached Milton Carswell, PGA, Stone Oak Country Club, to make it a reality.

Fish wanted to use golf as a way to give the inner-city and less-privileged youth of Toledo’s eastside (where Carswell grew up) a structured environment where they could stay active, socialize with others their own age, and learn the game of golf.

From this idea, “State Bank and Trust Mornings with Milton” was born. The eight-week program that is open to all Toledo-area kids ages eight to 15. Hosted at Collins Park Golf Course, in Toledo, Carswell works closely with participants to teach them how to play golf while offering valuable mentorship.

Specifically, the program is designed to instill The First Tee’s Nine Core ValuesTM—honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy and judgment.

Last year—the program’s inaugural year—was a big success. Participants grew from 35 kids on the first day to 75 by the last. Carswell was excited to see this level of growth in just eight weeks, and is currently preparing to kick off the 2012 program on June 13.

The success of “State Bank and Trust Mornings with Milton” would not be possible without the support of Greg Fish and Toledo Traditions of Golf, the staff at Collins Park Golf Course, and the program’s sponsor—The State Bank and Trust Company, and BW3s.

In addition, Carswell wanted to specially thank the NOPGA section and Stone Oak Country Club members for graciously donating enough golf clubs to provide each child with a complete set, as well as Toledo Mayor, Michael P. Bell, who took the time to speak with the kids about how golf played a significant role in his childhood.

By: Keith Moehring – PR 20/20