The Northern Ohio PGA Sales Representatives of the Year Award is the highest honor the Section can bestow upon a Sales Representative. This award is bestowed upon the individual who the majority of the Membership feels delivered outstanding service and products to our Section Members throughout the year.

YearHard GoodsSoft Goods
2024Jenny GleasonAndrew Bailey
2023Andrew SchmittDevon Holden
2022Tim BotschnerKathy Keller
2021Andrew SchmittAmy Zierten
2020Michael ConnorNeal Furlong
2019Nick SheaJoe Lombardi
2018Scott PollackDevon Holden
2017Scott PollackJoe Lombardi
2016Nick SheaDevon Holden
2015Nick SheaIan Price
2014Mark WiseDevon Holden
2013David Pfeiffer
2012David Pfeiffer
2011John Kuhry
2010Joe Lombardi
2009David Pfeiffer
2008John Kuhry
2007John Kuhry
2006David Pfeiffer
2005Bob Arnold
2004Mark Wise
2003Joe Lombardi
2000Joe Lombardi